South Pacific Sunlight: High quality replacement bulbs.
We carry a variety of lighting options including: Metal Halide Mogul Lamps, HQI Lamps, Power Compact Lamps & T5 Lamps. All of our bulbs come in a varriety of colors and wattage options.
Metal Halide Mogul Lamps
South Pacific Sunlight (SPS) Metal Halide bulbs are designed to replicate the beautiful shimmering light of your fish and coral’s natural environment. These bulbs are specifically engineered to enhance the polyp extension, color, and growth of your corals.
HQI Lamps
South Pacific Sunlight (SPS) Metal Halide bulbs are designed to replicate the beautiful shimmering light of your fish and coral’s natural environment. These bulbs are specifically engineered to enhance the polyp extension, color, and growth of your corals.
Power Compact Lamps
South Pacific Sunlight (SPS) Power Compact bulbs are designed to intensify the natural beauty of your aquarium. By providing optimal light distribution, these bulbs will enhance the color, and growth of your fish and corals.
T5 Lamps
Introducing the NEW, Elite Series of T5 lamps. We have remanufactured our High Output, T5 lamp, to run on all type of ballasts, from Normal Output, to Ultra High Output (overdrive) ballasts. Available in 36 inch & 48 inch lengths